If an MCU needs to refer an individual to ongoing services once the crisis dispatch is concluded, they can do so using OpenBeds
- Select a disposition that will allow a referral to be sent (i.e. “Referral to Ongoing Mental Health Services”). Click Submit and Close. This will redirect the MCU to the service availability page
- Once on the Service Availability screen, select the green arrow next to the facility the referral should be sent to. You can select up to 3 facilities to refer to at a time. This will redirect the MCU to the referral form
- Fill out all required fields on the referral form. Users also have the ability to attach a PDF if needed
- Once the form is filled out, select whether or not the referral is voluntary or non-voluntary. Select submit
- Once submitted, the user will be redirected to the referral request status page. Here is where the MCU can find the status of all referrals their organization has made. No further MCU action is needed