The Intake form (used by operator users) and Dispatch forms (used by responder users) display are controlled by the individual Crisis administrators. These admins have control over what sections are displayed on the intake forms, and what disposition values (end result of the dispatch essentially) are displayed for responders.
- To manage these forms and fields, the admin should navigate to "Mobile Crisis Management" then "Configurable Forms".
- Dispositions are managed in the top Final Disposition section. Admins can change the Friendly (display names), turn them on or off for selection, or add new ones.
- They can also add new dispositions, by scrolling to the bottom of the "Final Disposition Section". They should enter a new friendly name, and click "Add New Option". The new disposition will be added and automatically turned on.
- Note: that the admin will have to scroll back up to the top of the Disposition list to save their changes. The "Save" button the admin will see below the newly added disposition is for the separate section of the intake form, which is a completely different form.
- Note: that the admin will have to scroll back up to the top of the Disposition list to save their changes. The "Save" button the admin will see below the newly added disposition is for the separate section of the intake form, which is a completely different form.
The second section is the Intake Form, which is a form used by Operators to collect information on the situation. Crisis admins can enable or disable the display of the pre-configured sections within the application at any time. The admin will simply toggle the button in the Show/Hide column.
Note that the admin will need to click the "Save" button above the "Show/Hide" column in order to save their changes. If they do not do so and navigate away from the page, their changes will not be displayed.