This page outlines how an admin can create, edit or delegate mobile crisis team members.
- Log in to OpenBeds using existing Credentials. The system will recognize a users permissions and present the most pertinent landing page.
- A Crisis Administrator is presented with the Mobile Crisis Module Management Page. This page allows the system administrator to add users, set up and add regions, add and assign tags to user. The page defaults to the Mobile Crisis Users Tab.
Create A New User
- Select "Create User".
- Enter all information that applies to the new user.
- Two possible user roles: Crisis Operator and MCU Team Member.
- The Mobile number is a required field.
- Clicking “Create User” will show the list of users with the new user added.
- The list of users can be sorted by user role, region or tags.
Edit A User Profile
- Click the "Edit" button on the user that needs to be edited.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Once the updates are made, Click “Update User”.
- The system will return to the list of users.
Delete an Existing User
A crisis administrator has the ability to delete a user from the crisis management module. Selecting
“Delete” next to the user will delete the user.