If you are a receiving admin, you can set up alerts to remind you to update your available bed counts. You can choose the frequency and duration of the alert. This is done in the Update Service Availability Tab at to the top of the application, and is also the page you will land on when you login as a Receiving Administrator.
Below the top section where you update the actual counts, you can check the box under Alerts Information for Receive Alerts:
Once the box is checked, you'll need to enter your desired mobile phone number. The interval for the alerts can be changed, but the default is 24 hours. You'll also need to choose an end date for the alerts. The alert is scheduled for the time that it is set in this text box.
After clicking Add Alert, a successful message is displayed on screen:
Alerts can be turned off at any time from the Update Service Availability screen. Simply uncheck the "Receive Alerts" box: